August 2021 year
Four Gazprom Nedra LLC employees have been given the title of “Discoverer of Mineral Deposit”
Employees were awarded with departmental awards for the discovery and exploration of the Vostochno-Imbinskoe Gas Field in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Well Construction Center created at Gazprom
The key objective of the Center is to provide geological and engineering support in real time during the construction of production wells at Gazprom’s fields
Gazprom Nedra Released Juvenile Grayling to the Yenisey River
About 18,000 juveniles were released to their natural habitat
Gazprom Nedra Supported the Teriberka Arctic Fest VI
For two days, over 5,000 people from 27 regions of Russia visited the ancient Pomor village of Teriberka
Gazprom Nedra LLC Conducted Integrated Training Exercises in the Kara Sea
For the first time on the Russian shelf, courses of three icebergs were changed at the same time during the exercises