Gazprom Nedra LLC Conducted Integrated Training Exercises in the Kara Sea
In August, large-scale integrated training exercises on emergency response during drilling of exploration and prospecting and appraisal wells took place on the Priyamal Shelf, organised by Gazprom Nedra LLC. The training exercises were held in two stages. Along with the Company’s specialists, contractors working at the facility took part in the exercises, rescue vessels and transport and towing vessels were involved as well as supply vessels and an icebreaker.
Arkticheskaya Jackup Drilling Rig
On 10 August, the Company conducted the exercises in the Skuratovskaya Area of the Kara Sea, where prospecting and appraising well No. 2 is under construction. In the course of the event, emergencies that could potentially arise during offshore well construction (platform fire, oil products spill, search and rescue of people offshore) were simulated, and joint actions for their elimination were practiced. Based on the results of the first stage of the exercises, the efforts and resources mobilized were found sufficient and ready to respond to possible threats.
For the first time on the Russian shelf, courses of three icebergs were changed at the same time during the exercises
Ice objects are moved by towing
On 11 August, after relocating the Kigoriak icebreaker vessel to Novaya Zemlya, the second stage of the exercises involved training on locating, monitoring and changing the icebergs paths to prevent their collision with drilling platforms. In the course of the exercises, three potentially hazardous ice objects with the weights from 70 to 150 thousand tonnes were selected and aggregated around the largest one by towing. The operation was rather unique: courses of three icebergs were changed simultaneously for the first time on the Russian shelf.
Training Exercises to Extinguish a Simulated Fire on the Jackup Drilling Rig
“We always bear in mind that the Arctic is an independent participant in exploration of the northern seas. This is our long-time harsh and unpredictable partner, and we need to constantly improve our cooperation skills. Regular drills on the Priyamal Shelf is the basis for safe production activities of the Company in the region and a confirmation of its compliance with high environmental standards,” said Vsevolod Cherepanov, General Director of Gazprom Nedra LLC.
Gazprom Nedra LLC is a 100 % subsidiary company of PAO Gazprom and ranks among the major Russian multi-business oil and gas service companies. In 2019 Company production potential was expanded due to integration of Gazprom Georesurs LLC and Gazprom Geologorazvedka LLC assets.
The Company carries out a complete centrally managed cycle of exploration works in the RF and provides its clients with a wide range of unique geophysical and geoengineering services.
Gazprom Nedra LLC is the main source of Gazprom Group geophysical data in the sphere of raw materials production, reduction of operational expenses and geophysical activities efficiency evaluation, calculation of gas deposit and storage reserves, and environmental safety assurance.
Company subdivisions are located in all gas producing regions of Russia. Its staff totals over 4,500 people. Company administration offices are located in Moscow and Tyumen. The Company uses a