The Exhibition of Offshore Geological Exploration has been opened at Gazprom Nedra LLC
- Overview
The permanent Exhibition of Offshore Geological Exploration was opened on March 12 at Gazprom Nedra’s office in Moscow.
The exhibition space is styled as a drilling platform: the corresponding markings are reproduced, the equipment and tools used on offshore drilling sites are presented. Exhibits and photographs help to gain insight into all types of offshore exploration, including seismic exploration, offshore engineering surveys, magnetic and gravity exploration, drilling and borehole testing. A separate stand is dedicated to environmental monitoring and protection — this sphere is given close attention.
Guests can get acquainted with the company's activities on the shelf of the Okhotsk, Kara and Barents Seas, as well as receive information on the growth of hydrocarbons and discovered fields since 2013. During the event the unique “Atlas of Geological and Hydrometeorological Conditions of the Arctic and Far Eastern Seas of the Russian Federation” was presented, which is a joint PAO Gazprom and Gazprom Nedra LLC project.
“The thematic exhibition will be of interest to employees and partners of the company and offshore drilling specialists from other oil and gas enterprises. After the removal of epidemiological restrictions, we plan to organise excursions for high school students keen on geology and students of specialised universities — for those who are interested in this topic in terms of choosing a future profession or specialisation,” said Vsevolod Cherepanov, General Director of Gazprom Nedra LLC.
Gazprom Nedra LLC is a 100 % subsidiary company of PAO Gazprom and ranks among the major Russian multi-business oil and gas service companies. In 2019 Company production potential was expanded due to integration of Gazprom Georesurs LLC and Gazprom Geologorazvedka LLC assets.
The Company carries out a complete centrally managed cycle of exploration works in the RF and provides its clients with a wide range of unique geophysical and geoengineering services.
Gazprom Nedra LLC is the main source of Gazprom Group geophysical data in the sphere of raw materials production, reduction of operational expenses and geophysical activities efficiency evaluation, calculation of gas deposit and storage reserves, and environmental safety assurance.
Company subdivisions are located in all gas producing regions of Russia. Its staff totals over 4,500 people. Company administration offices are located in Moscow and Tyumen. The Company uses a
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