Gazprom Nedra LLC’s charitable and sponsorship projects helped to assist more than 10,000 people in 2024
In 2024, Gazprom Nedra LLC implemented seven major charitable and sponsorship projects in those regions where the company’s production activities are based. In total, these projects, carried out in cooperation with local administrations, public organizations and social institutions, came to the aid of more than 10,000 people.
“For Gazprom Nedra LLC, corporate social responsibility has been a vital part of the company’s life and a key element of its culture for many years. Those who largely benefit from the company’s support are young athletes, schoolchildren who demonstrate an interest in geology, disabled people, and the indigenous peoples of the North and the Far East. While implementing a comprehensive charity program, our company also strives to develop the regions where it operates; these measures include providing a favorable urban environment, promoting a positive social background for further business growth, and the organization of environmental events,” said Zhorzhas Novikas, the Deputy General Director for Property and Corporate Relations at Gazprom Nedra LLC.
In Moscow, the company financed the rental of an ice rink to organize training sessions for the first inclusive class for adaptive figure skating in Russia, “Crystal Puzzles,” where children diagnosed with autism and other mental disorders learn to socialize and build friendships through sport, alongside their peers without special needs.
The project “Live with your heart” was designed to support about 80 children from low-income families in the Irkutsk region who found themselves affected by substantial hardship. Gazprom Nedra’s support helped them afford warm clothing, basic necessities, equipment and other items required to stage patriotic education events.
In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, one of the main holidays of the indigenous peoples of the North of the Yamal region was once again held — the Reindeer Herders' Gathering. This contributes to the preservation of a unique ethnoculture.
In the Sakhalin Region, the company continued to provide comprehensive support to the local public organization of the indigenous peoples of the North (IPN) of the Poronaisky District, aimed at the revival, preservation and development of the traditional ritual culture of the IPN and the introduction of the younger generation to the original culture of their fellow tribesmen. In particular, the company took part in organizing the traditional national holiday “Feeding the Spirit — the Master of the Sea”.
Within the framework of the cooperation agreement with the Administration of the municipal formation “Mirninsky District” of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the company helped to finance the repair of intra-settlement roads in the village of Tas-Yuryakh, and also purchase a street garland for New Year.
Throughout the year, Gazprom Nedra LLC specialists regularly carried out environmental activities under the program to replenish the fish stocks in the rivers of Siberia and the Far East. This initiative included the breeding and releasing of the larvae of valuable fish species into the region’s various water facilities. These species of fish remain vital to the local population who observe a traditional way of life. Charitable support was provided to Tumara, a wood buffalo farm owned by the Fund of Social and Economical Development of the Suntarsky Ulus municipal district in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
Gazprom Nedra LLC is a 100% subsidiary company of PJSC Gazprom, a specialised multidisciplinary company that performs the full cycle of geological exploration, geophysical and special services in the Russian Federation. The company provides customers with a wide range of services, spanning mineral resources management, geology, geophysics, as well as the organisation and support of well construction, metrology and instrumentation.
Gazprom Nedra LLC is the Gazprom Group’s most important source of geological and geophysical data, successfully participating in the implementation of all major prospective projects of PJSC Gazprom and making a significant contribution to the formation of Russia’s mineral resource base.
Gazprom Nedra LLC staff totals over 4000. The company’s administrative offices are located in St. Petersburg and Tyumen.
Gazprom Nedra LLC uses a quality management system based on the GOST ISO 9001 standard, a health and safety management system in accordance with ISO 45001 and an environmental management system which meets the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001:2015 (GOST R ISO 14001).
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