Gazprom Nedra Completed a Range of Work to Deliver Equipment and Materials to the Field

In 2024, Gazprom Nedra LLC completed the preparation work required to construct exploration and prospecting wells in Western and Eastern Siberia. Preparation for the delivery of equipment and materials to the field sites begins in autumn and ends in late spring. This represents the only time window when cargo can be delivered via special-purpose winter roads to the licensed areas, where geological exploration is conducted away from the production infrastructure.

Cargo being delivered to field sites in Western Siberia

Cargo being delivered to field sites in Western Siberia

Machinery, drilling equipment, diesel, and soil were delivered to the Malyginskoye, Yubileinoye, and Urengoyskoye fields, and the Yamburgskaya and East-Padinskaya areas of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, as well as to the Tas-Yuryakhskoye, Verkhnevilyuchanskoye, and Sobolokh-Nedzhelinskoye fields of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Kovyktinskoye field in the Irkutsk Region.

Special machinery is used for deliveries on the winter roads in Yamal

Special machinery is used for deliveries on the winter roads in Yamal

A winter road in Eastern Siberia

A winter road in Eastern Siberia

Over the winter, approximately 28,000 tonnes of cargo was delivered. More than 300 km of winter roads were constructed or restored to ensure deliveries for the new drilling season; this process involved over 300 units of road vehicles and special machinery.

Over 200 units of road vehicles were involved in deliveries in Eastern Siberia

Over 200 units of road vehicles were involved in deliveries in Eastern Siberia

More than 300,000 cubic metres of soil were deployed as backfilling in the construction of roads to the fields and well sites. In addition, the company arranged for the demobilisation of more than 2,200 tonnes of cargo from sites that had already completed exploration drilling works.

More than 300,000 cubic metres of soil were deployed as backfilling in the construction of roads

More than 300,000 cubic metres of soil were deployed as backfilling in the construction of roads


Gazprom Nedra LLC is a 100 % subsidiary company of PAO Gazprom and ranks among the major Russian multi-business oil and gas service companies. In 2019 Company production potential was expanded due to integration of Gazprom Georesurs LLC and Gazprom Geologorazvedka LLC assets.
The Company carries out a complete centrally managed cycle of exploration works in the RF and provides its clients with a wide range of unique geophysical and geoengineering services.
Gazprom Nedra LLC is the main source of Gazprom Group geophysical data in the sphere of raw materials production, reduction of operational expenses and geophysical activities efficiency evaluation, calculation of gas deposit and storage reserves, and environmental safety assurance.
Company subdivisions are located in all gas producing regions of Russia. Its staff totals over 4,500 people. Company administration offices are located in Moscow and Tyumen. The Company uses a quality management system based on the GOST ISO 9001 standard, a health and safety management system in accordance with ISO45001 and an environmental management system which meets the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001:2015 (GOST R ISO 14001).