Gazprom Nedra and Yamal District have signed an additional cooperation agreement
- Overview
On April 2, 2021 a working visit of the Gazprom Nedra LLC delegation headed by Vsevolod Cherepanov, General Director, to Yamal District of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District took place. During the visit Vsevolod Cherepanov and Andrey Kugaevskiy, Head of Yamal District Municipal Structure, signed the Additional Agreement to the earlier concluded Cooperation Agreement in Yar-Sale village.
The signed document fixedthe mutual interest of the parties in interaction and cooperation to solve social, economic and environmental tasks as part of Yamal District Municipal Structure’s comprehensive development.
According to one of the additional agreement provisions in 2021 Gazprom Nedra LLC will allocate funds to finance measures to fulfill the statutory tasks of the Yamal regional public movement of the indigenous peoples of the North “Yamal” in the total amount of up to 5 mln. rubles. In its turn district management will assist the company in its activities aimed at implementation of its obligations under the agreement.
“In its production activity our company, like all PAO Gazprom subsidiary companies, is guided by the principle of social responsibility to the population of the regions where it operates. We are interested in long-term and mutually beneficial partnership with the Yamal District and will provide assistance in resolving issues related to support of social, environmental and other interests of its population”, noted Gazprom Nedra LLC Top Manager.
In response, Andrey Kugaevskiy, Head of the Yamal District municipality, said: “An important area of cooperation remains Gazprom Nedra’s participation in measures to support the indigenous peoples of the North. Together, we will continue to implement social projects in the Yamal District. I am sure that our cooperation is a great contribution to the well-being of Yamal residents”.
On the eve of the signing ceremony in Yar-Sale village, a meeting on interaction took place with the participation of OOO Gazprom Nedra and Yamal District representatives where Vsevolod Cherepanov told about the plans of the company production activities on the land of the Yamal Peninsula and on the Priyamal Shelf of the Kara Sea as part of “Yamal” megaproject implementation.
As Vsevolod Cherepanov advised, till the end of 2021 OOO Gazprom Nedra is planning to complete field seismic explorations 3D at license areas (LA) of Tambeiskaya group of fields in the amount of 2,844 sq. km and electric explorations in the amount of 2,774 sq. km.
Between nowand2022 the company will drill 10 new boreholes, and complete construction of three boreholes at license areas of the Tambeiskaya group of fields. On the Kara Sea shelf it is planned todrill three exploration boreholes and carryout seismicexploration works in the amount of 5,105 sq. km.
During the OOO Gazprom Nedra delegation visit to Yar-Sale village Vsevolod Cherepanov, company General Director, handed over, on behalf of the company, the main prize — a PM Frontier 1000 snowmobile to the winner of the competition held as part of the 60th Gathering of Reindeer Herders and Hunters of the Yamal District.
The main prize of the competition held as part of the 60th Meeting of Reindeer Herders and Hunters in the Yamal District is a PM Frontier 1000 snowmobile.
Gazprom Nedra LLC is a 100 % subsidiary company of PAO Gazprom and ranks among the major Russian multi-business oil and gas service companies. In 2019 Company production potential was expanded due to integration of Gazprom Georesurs LLC and Gazprom Geologorazvedka LLC assets.
The Company carries out a complete centrally managed cycle of exploration works in the RF and provides its clients with a wide range of unique geophysical and geoengineering services.
Gazprom Nedra LLC is the main source of Gazprom Group geophysical data in the sphere of raw materials production, reduction of operational expenses and geophysical activities efficiency evaluation, calculation of gas deposit and storage reserves, and environmental safety assurance.
Company subdivisions are located in all gas producing regions of Russia. Its staff totals over 4,500 people. Company administration offices are located in Moscow and Tyumen. The Company uses a