Gazprom Nedra LLC sums up the results of the offshore drilling season in the ArcticArkticheskaya jack-up drilling rig
Gazprom Nedra LLC sums up the results of the offshore drilling season in the ArcticWell construction takes place in the short ice-free period
Gazprom Nedra has completed seismic exploration at the Tsentralno-Pogranichny area in the Sea of OkhotskThe volume of 3D seismic exploration at the Tsentralno-Pogranichny area of Sakhalin shelf amounted 3 thousand sq. km
Gazprom Nedra has completed seismic exploration at the Tsentralno-Pogranichny area in the Sea of OkhotskTo implement the project, the eight-braced vessel Vyacheslav Tikhonov was involved
The head of Gazprom Nedra LLC presented the company’s Arctic projects at the International Energy Forum in NorwayVsevolod Cherepanov spoke at the International Energy Forum via video conferencing
Gazprom and RusGazDobycha set up a joint venture to develop the Tambey field at Yamal
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