May 2021 year
Gazprom Nedra Participates in the Replenishment of Aquatic Biological ResourcesBefore releasing the juveniles, the quantity is taken into account and the weight is determined
Gazprom Nedra Participates in the Replenishment of Aquatic Biological ResourcesNatalya Tyurina, Leading Specialist of the Environmental Protection Department, oversees the release of salmon in Karelia
Gazprom Nedra Participates in the Replenishment of Aquatic Biological ResourcesParatunsk Experimental Production Salmon Fish Hatchery in Kamchatka
Gazprom Nedra Participates in the Replenishment of Aquatic Biological ResourcesUnderyearlings of chum salmon reached a weight of at least 1.17 grams each
Gazprom Nedra Participates in the Replenishment of Aquatic Biological ResourcesMore than 7,000 juvenile salmon made their way to the Keret River in Karelia
Gazprom Nedra Participates in the Replenishment of Aquatic Biological ResourcesAt the Vygsky Fish Hatchery, the salmon reached the age of three and weight of 38 grams
Gazprom Nedra LLC Summed Up the Winter delivery of Materials and Equipment to Remote fieldsFuel delivery to the Kovykta Oil and Gas Condensate Field (Irkutsk Region)