NPF Tsentrgazgeofizika
Gazprom Nedra LLC’s scientific and manufacturing affiliated company (NPF) Tsentrgazgeofizika, based in Kimry, Tver Region, is an Gazprom Nedra LLC instrument manufacturing subdivision and was founded in 1976.
In the context of the rapidly developing gas industry, increasing gas supply to European countries required creating national, basically new, technologies and technical devices providing the possibility of carrying out geophysical surveys and works in gas filled boreholes. The task was difficult to fulfil because gas medium possesses a number of specific features (borehole pressure up to 100 MPa, presence of aggressive components in gas etc.) which make higher requirements for geophysical technical devices as compared to the surveys and works in boreholes being drilled, or filled with oil, water or water-containing solutions.
Development and fabrication of technical devices, technologies and methods required by the gas industry was entrusted to the scientific and manufacturing affiliate Tsentrgazgeofizika which is still the leading specialized company in gas industry instrument manufacture, producing geophysical equipment and borehole instruments for monitoring the development of gas, oil fields and underground gas storages.
NPF Tsentrgazgeofizika has a production yard with developed infrastructure. On site there is an administration building and production premises with a total area of over 2000 square metres as well as a 330 square metres test site equipped with multi-purpose test benches. Three monitoring and calibration boreholes with open hole sections used for tests of geophysical borehole equipment operate at the production site. The boring log is certified to a number of geophysical parameters.
All borehole instruments manufactured by the affiliate pass an outgoing inspection in boreholes, and borehole instruments purchased by Gazprom Nedra LLC for production affiliates from other manufacturers pass ingoing metrological inspection in these boreholes.
Monitoring and calibration borehole
NPF Tsentrgazgeofizika includes research and development and patent department, metrology, tests and quality control department, service department, production design and process preparation department, production and technical department and pilot production including blank section, mechanical treatment section, equipment assembly and setting section, borehole and onshore instruments assembly and setting section.
NPF Tsentrgazgeofizika test bench
Production sections are equipped with up-to-date technological equipment, including Japanese (Yamazaki Mazak) machinery and machining centres with programmed numerical control. NPF Tsentrgazgeofizika test bench allows for carrying out the complete cycle of mechanical and climatic tests of geophysical instruments and equipment.
Vibration system TV 55240/LS-180 by Tira Gmbh (Germany)
Shock testing machine, model STM 50 by ELSTAR (Switzerland)
The list of products series-produced by the affiliate includes more than 450 items, at that all the items are developed by the affiliate itself. A number of borehole instruments and wellhead geophysical equipment modifications are designed for survey of boreholes with abnormally high temperature-and-pressure conditions (up to 200о С and up to 140 MPa) and boreholes having aggressive components in the product being produced (Н2S and СО2 content up to 25 % vol. of each component). In terms of technical characteristics, borehole instruments and wellhead geophysical equipment meet the best Russian and foreign equivalents.
NPF Tsentrgazgeofizika developments have State legal protection in the form of 18 patents for invention, 6 patents for useful models and registered trade mark for the ULG lubrication unit. Development of new products, their improvement, modification and upgrading is ongoing. Twice, in 2000 and 2012, affiliate developments were given the Gazprom PJSC award in science and technology.
Products manufactured by NPF Tsentrgazgeofizika allow for carrying out a complete cycle of geophysical surveys and works in operating boreholes and include lubrication units of different types and design for wellhead containment of gas and oil boreholes (ULG unit), multi-channel comprehensive digital cable and independent (with data recording to solid-state memory) geophysical borehole instruments, onshore digital logging recording systems, calibration units for gas hydrodynamic methods of borehole survey, geophysical rigs, perforation equipment, laboratories, logging hoists, cementing monitoring stations, auxiliary equipment and outfit (cable and wire terminal pieces, geophysical weights, cable cleaning and lubrication devices, tension transducers etc.).
Samples of affiliate products are given below.
Geophysical rig and borehole lubricator during assembly and test
Geophysical rig and borehole lubricator in transportation position
Geophysical rig and borehole lubricator in operating position at borehole
Ram preventer
Borehole instruments
Onshore digital logging recording systems
Unit for calibration of borehole temperature and pressure gauges
Auxiliary equipment and geophysical outfit
All the products are manufactured by NPF Tsentrgazgeofizika of Gazprom Nedra LLC in strict conformity with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of Eurasian Union and have all necessary compliance confirming documents.
Developments and products of Gazprom Nedra LLC instrument manufacturing subdivision are highly sought on the geophysical market. Instruments and equipment are successfully used at many Russian enterprises (Bashneft, Tatneft, Kogalimneftegeofizika, Sibneft, RGK, Tyumenpromgeofizika) and in a number of neighboring countries (Latvia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan).
Contact information
Postal address: 111 Lenina St., Kimry, Tver Region, 171506
Tel.: 8 (48236) 3-28-35 fax: 8 (48236) 2-17-97