PF Astrakhangazgeofizika
Gazprom Nedra LLC manufacturing affiliate Astrakhangazgeofizika is located directly at Astrakhan Gas Condensate Field (AGCF) which is unique in terms of size, reserve and formation mixture composition being aggressive and highly toxic at once, and containing up to 28 % H2S and 15 % CO2, and this poses high requirements for work execution technology and safety.
The history of PF Astrakhangazgeofizika’s staff is closely connected with the history of Astrakhan Gas Complex founded in 1981, and which is the major enterprise for gas, sulphur and liquid hydrocarbons production, processing and transportation in the south of Russia.
Considering that Astrakhan GCF is a hazardous production facility with a special operation mode, a special-purpose geophysical enterprise was established at the field by orders of Gazprom Concern No. 5 dated 08.01.1982 and Soyuzgazgeofizika Trust No. 20-орг dated 30.08.82, PF Astrakhangazgeofizika of Gazprom Nedra LLC is the successor of the above enterprise.
For more than 37 years of its existence the enterprise increased production capacity and introduced new types of works and researches, always remaining the main geophysical contractor and well-deserved partner of LLC Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan, Astrakhan GCF operator. The affiliate has gained a unique experience in carrying out all manner of field geophysical tests in boreholes at the Astrakhan Gas Condensate Field.
PF Astrakhangazgeofizika is an up-to-date multi-industry geophysical enterprise providing a wide range of geological and geophysical services.
The main business lines of PF Astrakhangazgeofizika:
- geophysical surveys in boreholes during drilling, including horizontal ones;
- geological and technological surveys during boreholes drilling;
- field-geophysical surveys in operating gas, observation and piezometric boreholes, vessels and special-purpose boreholes;
- gas and hydrodynamic surveys in boreholes at transient filtration modes;
- springing and blasting in various purpose boreholes;
- geophysical surveys in boreholes being overhauled;
- processing and comprehensive interpretation of GIS, geological and engineering survey data;
- digitising of data and preparation of geoinformation data base.
The affiliate includes:
- expedition of complex field-geophysical crews;
- expedition of geological and technological surveys;
- expedition of geophysical surveys using independent borehole instruments (GIS-monitoring);
- department of comprehensive geological and geophysical data interpretation including the following groups as per types of surveys:
- repair and metrological service;
- information technologies service;
- other auxiliary services.
In terms of location, the affiliate production yard built for geophysical support of Astrakhan GCF boreholes is in the immediate vicinity of serviced facilities, it includes:
- radioactive substance storage;
- repair and metrological service for maintenance and repair of borehole instruments and equipment;
- mechanical-repair shop;
- administration and amenity building.
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